Comic Archives
Progressive probs
Who could have seen this coming?
How do you define ‘hate speech’?
Anti-choice judge
Nothing is more valuable than the truth
Approximately 6 months
Nashville Statement
Abortion language
About that man bun
Cosmic child abuse
You’re just blindly repeating things
The honest atheist
I sold The Babylon Bee and am no longer running it
The Bible, homosexuality, and slavery
You can’t legislate morality
He took our sins upon Himself
Canned advice and gimmicks
They made it all up?
Science disproves God
Anything new going on?
Right and wrong
Gender, age, and race
All my beliefs are based on science
You can’t be both a naturalist and a freethinker
Judge not
If God really exists, you should be able to prove it to me
Keep resisting
I’m a terrible Christian
A woman’s right to choose
Do you realize what that means?
Jesus accepts my true self
I feel like it can’t be true
It’s a great time to be a Christian
The blogger is the one who’s right?
Nothing can come from nothing
How long?
I can do all thiiiiiiiiiiings
Not a God worth worshiping
A sexist pig holds the door
This is truly a special generation
Some things that have helped me in my struggle with anxiety
Beware of no man more than of yourself
Humble? Or arrogant?
Jesus and anxiety
Where did I go wrong, Lord?
The theology of “don’t hurt anybody’s feelings”
Hey I’ve got a joke for you.
God should not have done that
My new book is here and it’s called Thy Kingdom Comics
What usually happens when you challenge some different people’s beliefs
You can be anything you want to be
Letting culture dictate the way you look
Spot the pro-choicer
Together 2016
Paul the Apostle haunts Creflo Dollar
Another terrorist attack
I wish I could go back in time to hang with Martin Luther
The whole Bible is about Jesus
I’m not ready to have this child.
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?
I don’t believe in hell, so I don’t have to worry about that sort of thing
How to quickly tell if someone is being homophobic and/or transphobic
Jesus never even mentioned it!
Speaking the truth in love in a time when everyone is offended by everything
Live like a person who will soon be dead
Do right and wrong exist? Who determines them?
Is truth absolute or relative?
I would like to buy about three dollars worth of gospel, please
The real secret to killing sin
Be an exegete
Six months to live
The gay Anglo-Saxon warrior
Believing God for financial prosperity
Five reasons to believe Jesus rose from the dead
Which Jesus do you worship?
If a practical Christian were to identify as an atheist…
I was born this way
Don’t be an I.O.C.
Introducing The Babylon Bee
The center of the universe
I’m so lonely, Jesus
I self-identify as a Christian
Innocent. Human. Life.
Why do we sing about ourselves?
Christians are sinners too!
What if I never get married?
That is so offensive
Go clean your room
Anti-abortion extremist?
The absolute sovereignty of God…and evangelism
A complicated question
What changes a “clump of cells” into a baby?
Why doesn’t God save everyone?
God already HAS spoken
Happy New Year
The Bible is not anti-women
How to be a politically-correct Christian
Do Christians and Jews worship the same God? Nope.
Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God
Santa isn’t real??
Theology matters
Every generation says that
Did you really have to bring up predestination?
Already perfect (but still far from perfect)
We are all stardust
Help, I’m trapped in a Christian marriage!
If God were real he would prove it to me
Give me Jesus.
A list of things to thank God for today
You have no idea what I’ve done in my life
Tolerance police
Nobody deserves that
A popular first-century blog post
Keep fighting
I’d like to chat about something
We don’t allow that
Please don’t be intolerant
Martin Luther was not trying to change the world
Depression, anxiety, meds, and shame
Some really good bad news
Selective inerrancy
How to spot a theological liberal
Why’d you give me this, God?
The strangest thing
I have my own ideas about Jesus
When Jesus knocks
When there’s something in the Word of God that I don’t like
Westboro Baptist* Church*
I must believe in God because of all the evil in the world
Obsessed with sex
The God of the Old Testament
Cage-stage Calvinist
If you’re not sure, don’t run it over
Joel Osteen’s fortune cookies
Christians who are jerks
A shy person vs. an introvert
Footprints in the sand
Welcome to normal
Children of whom?
If you stand with Planned Parenthood
Don’t be a crazy Christian
Should you be outraged by Planned Parenthood today?
You’re a good person?
Silence in the face of evil
The first great and primary business
A clump of sells
Does slavery ever bother you?
What if I could prove it to you?
God and big numbers
If you’re gay, I want you to know that I don’t hate you
Jesus is not your copilot
How do you know you love Jesus?
Is God an egomaniac?
Our lives should not make sense
Why don’t you spend more money on yourself?
Creflo’s jet
Who’s the bigot?
The Bible says we should only eat locusts
This is God’s universe
The “death of Christianity” in America
Anxiety, depression, and the truth
Matthew 5:30, American Popular Version
1,000 ways to God
Marriage equality
Wives, submit to your husbands; husbands, love your wives
Some martyrs and some Joel Osteen tweets
Pray for Obama
1 Corinthians 6:9-10, American Popular Version
God’s got some explaining to do
How “faith” works in the prosperity gospel
Declarations and Proverbs
God is sovereign over everything
Why do you talk about Jesus all the time?
Christians, alcohol, and social media: a humble suggestion
If Jesus did not really rise from the dead
Matthew 6:2, American Popular Version
You’re a theologian too
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality
The Bible advocates slavery, polygamy, rape, and genocide!
If you believe in Jesus, you should believe in the entire Bible
For us
Jonah and the fail
What Jesus looked like
How to get endorsed by Oprah as a Christian writer or speaker
Sunday comic
Just a good, human teacher
Thank God for William Tyndale
My first book is here and it’s called Implications Abound
Prayer gossip
Give me all
Correct theology without love
Why don’t you ever go to church?
Some common misconceptions about our relationship with sin
Flee from it
Die every morning
Good advice vs good news
God helps those who
Judas Iscariot and the prosperity gospel
50 shades of yeah ok
If you know Jesus saved you
Should I say something?
Faith and repentance
Beard observation
How religion works vs how the gospel works
I am a theology nerd
A quick look at the bestselling Christian books of 2014
Abortion allies
I’m too bad to become a Christian
4 quotes for MLK Day
What did you see while you were in heaven?
Elaborate and intense religious ritual
A good and loving judge
Who said it?
Radical Muslim vs radical Christian
John 14:15, American Popular Version
How could this happen?
The elephant speaks
That Heaven book
Dealing with annoying people
Everyone is religious
I’m happy to be a sheep
Former Christian
Jesus, Paul, and the theological liberal
A God who contradicts my personal values
One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook
Let’s talk about Moralistic Therapeutic Deism
Is this faith?
He will shine regardless
Biggest fear
I quit my job and I’m going full-time with the webcomic
If you could lose your salvation
The Great Exchange is really really great
Don’t find yourself on the wrong side of history
John 3:3, American Popular Version
Errors and contradictions!
Did God really say?
Justified by faith
Lots of Christians use the acronym OMG and I think that’s pretty dumb
Because of whom?
The gospel and telepathy
See for yourself
Spirit animal
Zeal without doctrine
Church du Soleil
Gay marriage and racial segregation
John 8:11, American Popular Version
The Joel Osteen Social Media Word Contest
Jesus is just a crutch
The hidden genius of hipster fashion
Love your neighbor
Methods and men
Christians are all a bunch of sheep
Attention rich people
The burden of proof
One particular result of the Fall
I just don’t feel like I’m being fed
Not sinning
Collecting shells
Drowned forever
You will not say this on your deathbed
Isn’t it crazy how good we all are?
Fixing that one Gandhi quote
Get some life in your life
When my wife cooks vs when I cook
Atheist probs
To: radical Islam. With love, Martin Luther.
If God is absolutely sovereign
Acts 2:38, American Popular Version
God in a box
We are half-hearted creatures
The war is raging
Freedom and rights for all women
Look past your past
The great Bible translation debate
Eat my flesh and drink my blood
A Person, not a thing
Virgins can’t give birth
Pro-abortion logic
There are only two kinds of people
New atheism
4 things that don’t happen
Life’s tests
I am a Christian and this is how some different people see me
Jesus takes Joel Osteen’s advice
How to be a culturally-relevant Christian
Good news: we are not David
What Jesus says vs what the world says
How to spot a VBS volunteer
God is an artist
Holding on to God
Sweet new Bible cover
Peace + war
How NOT to measure your walk
Trust me
Religious dogma
Stars, sand, and God
Romans 6:1-2, American Popular Version
There really is a War on Women in America
Boycott Godzilla!
God and the Gay Christian
2000 years and 180 degrees
Harold loses his faith
Don’t fail at failing
My ESV, how I love thee
Luke 12:4-5, American Popular Version
A cause for rejoicing
Matthew 28:20, American Popular Version
Bible app vs print Bible
True and lasting pleasure
Doubting the resurrection of Jesus
God is love, but love is not God
Define irony
3 foolproof steps to become a better you
Into the abyss
The Tree Theory of the Beginning of Everything
Believe whatever you want, just keep it to yourself!
Prayer time
The rise of the special Christian momblogs
Know your nature
The important matter of blogs and blog posts
Parenting: 1st kid vs 2nd kid
I can do all things…
Thank you, Lord, for baseball
The essence of Christian unity
Everything is theological
If you avoid the problem, the solution makes no sense
Should you grow a beard?
Shout out to all the attractive people
Captain Context
The issue of faith
Create our own reality
For the burdened
Matthew 6:19, American Popular Version
Stinking Christians!
Take a Jehovah’s Witness to John 1:3
Mom, dad…
Rent tuxedos
5 worship gestures which are also helpful in other situations
The Jesus calf
Jesus and air
I declare
The whole time, Jesus was there
The Creation of Adam, prosperity-gospel version
Sincerity is only half the battle
3 alternate definitions for the word ‘Purgatory’
Did Jesus rise from the dead?
Lord, give me a sign!
I don’t really go to church on Sundays
A gay person and me
We will not be one of the cool kids
Super Bowl
Things we’ll never say once we’re in Heaven
4 things I would rather do instead of listening to a prosperity-gospel message
Dress up the gospel?
55.8 million, in perspective
Not an option
Home sweet home
One possible solution to that awkward tithing moment some of us face
Your heart is beating
Thank you, church child-care worker
Get to know your Bible translations
Falling asleep while praying
Great question, Billy
‘Bigot’: definition vs usage
Biblical Money Code®
Never judge a book by its cover
Tangible love
The prayer fairy
Isaiah 9:2
A labor of love
‘Tolerance’: definition vs usage
Life before the internet
Christian straw man
The equation for humility
Adventures of a church introvert
Trusting in good deeds for salvation
Voting: charismatics vs cessationists
God is not ‘a la carte’
Stay-at-home moms just kinda hang out all day
Moral relativism
Introducing Plan A® contraceptive for men
Human face
Why doesn’t God just reveal himself to me?
Nuke 3:16
Only God can judge me
Special reading glasses
50 degrees: fall vs spring
One simple question
Benny Hinn would never lie to you
We have a legacy to honor
3 encouraging trends I see among young men in the church
Don’t drift
Men: 4 quick tips for better selfies
Dude what for
I just could never believe in a God who would…
In his joy
How to spot a mother of young children
Seven salvations
Agreeing with God
Lord, don’t let this be me
You and I are bad
If we talked to people the way we talk to God
Coffee science
This will never be Jesus
Name it and claim it
A passion of mine
Trust your heart, sweetie
Poor kids
Worship war
How to spot a father of young children
My dryer cycle
Being a Christian today
Choices, choices
What good does that do, exactly?
Retweeting compliments
My office desktop vs my computer desktop
Martin Luther responds to some @JoelOsteen tweets
Some thoughts on prayer
The once-weekly tablet to ease your conscience
Compare yourself
New theological ideas
Addressing a problem among men in the church
Outer darkness
Telling lost people not to sin
Luke 12:5, American Popular Version
Barber desirability spectrum
Turn around
A knock at the door
This is how it works, right?
If Paul had preached Osteen’s message at Mars Hill
The atheist elephant
Progressive sexuality
Atheist Garage
Wabbit trail
Jesus and math
Does Rob Bell drink alcohol?
Bible Study with Joel Osteen
Mr. Blueslice would like a word with you!
The Gospel of Judas
Two different types of paper cuts
Understanding “goodness”
Preaching about sin
Gosnell’s trial is a civil rights issue
God has a wonderful plan for your life
Bad theology
The power to share your faith
How to fail at Easter
Subjective life
A Muslim looking for Jesus
…but to serve
Peter and Paul get a visit from the future
What happens when someone asks about my kids
Why the prosperity gospel did not exist in the early church
The Stoning of Stephen the Vague
Getting gas in the winter
The dreaded pencil dilemma
It’s right here in the bible!
How Benny Hinn got his start in ministry
God has no limits (except this one)
God is not glorified
Eye exam
Find out for yourself
Jeremiah and abortion
I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer
A lesson from Paul’s prestigious past
Behold the misogynist
Normal Christianity
Jesus isn’t the means to something wonderful
How to justify prosperity theology in 3 easy steps
Temperature matters
Matthew 28:19-20, American Popular Version
Matthew 7:1, American Popular Version
John 3:16-18, American Popular Version
Sometimes proper doctrine is painful
A correlation that truly bakes my noodle
Watch out for the danger zone
What we really believe
Poor Paul :(
Jeremiah, the weeping prophet
Osteen and Peter
You don’t know his heart!
You want me to keep my what to myself?
Three secrets for perfect coffee
What your preferred Bible translation says about you